
Hi, I'm Savio Lopes!

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Junior Developer

Here you can get to know me better and learn more about my work.

São Paulo, Brasil

Pleasure! My name is Savio Lopes, Junior Frontend Developer in constant evolution (with experience in Javascript and Typescript) and with specialization in Systems Analysis and Development.

I started my journey in the Development area at graduation, where I had the opportunity to do an internship in Web Development.

With such experiences, I gained knowledge in the following technologies:

  • 🔹 BackEnd: PHP, Laravel, NodeJS, Python, MVC/MVVM Architecture
  • 🔹 FrontEnd: JavaScript, NextJS, ReactJS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Since then my focus on studies has never ceased, always seeking to learn new things constantly.

Gráfico das contribuições recentes no GitHub

In most of the projects I worked on I used the following technologies:

  • 🔹 Docker
  • 🔹 Git/Github
  • 🔹 Azure Devops
  • 🔹 Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban

Each team activity, for me, is an opportunity to learn new technical and human skills.

I am open to experiences that develop me as a person and professional.

As a person and professional, I believe in the power of communication and team work. Every team activity, for me, is a opportunity to learn new technical and human skills. I am open to experiences that develop me as a person and professional.


What am I doing?

Front-End Development

I can develop scalable front-end applications using HTML,CSS, Blade and React.js


Studying design and interface development using Figma

All my contributions on GitHub

All contributions on GitHub